Forging Stronger Student Athletes
Season 01 // Episode 16 - April 24th, 2025

Forging Stronger Student Athletes

Student athletes face unique developmental challenges. In many ways, they at the peak of their physical prowess, but they are still learning and maturing intellectually, emotionally, and relationally. Moreover, they have multiple roles or jobs as ful...

Forging Stronger Student Athletes
The Inner Armor Podcast
Forging Stronger Student Athletes

Student athletes face unique developmental challenges. In many ways, they at the peak of their physical prowess, but they are still learning and maturing intellectually, emotionally, and relationally. Moreover, they have multiple roles or jobs as full-time students and (often) nearly full-time athletes. How can colleges and universities help these young people to reach their potential without being crushed by expectations or engaging in self-destructive behavior?

In this episode, Doc is visiting Liberty University and interviews Chris Casola, Liberty’s Associate Athletics Director for Student-Athlete Welfare and Performance. For years, Doc has worked with the athletics department at Liberty, helping to forge stronger student athletes and Chris has been a partner with Doc in developing strategies and methods. It was Chris who first coined the term dynamic resilience, which has become a cornerstone of Inner Armor’s approach.

Inner Armor helps everyone, from professional athletes, perform at their potential and live healthier, happier, and more successful lives.

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