Anxiety, Alligators, and Finding Freedom
Season 01 // Episode 15 - April 17th, 2025

Anxiety, Alligators, and Finding Freedom

In the second of two episodes on overcoming anxiety, Dr. Royer talks about the "alligators," or potential threats, that lurk around us. Often, they are right in front of us, blocking our path. But just as often, we exaggerate the threat level, allow ...

Anxiety, Alligators, and Finding Freedom
The Inner Armor Podcast
Anxiety, Alligators, and Finding Freedom

In the second of two episodes on overcoming anxiety, Dr. Royer talks about the “alligators,” or potential threats, that lurk around us. Often, they are right in front of us, blocking our path. But just as often, we exaggerate the threat level, allow them to dominate our thoughts and restrict our freedom.

Grounding ourselves in the tangible world, measuring our thoughts, and properly regulating our autonomic nervous system helps us to keep the alligators in proper perspective and find room to maneuver through the swamps of life.

Inner Armor helps everyone, from professional athletes, perform at their potential and live healthier, happier, and more successful lives.

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